Experience Biology

The online biology curriculum for high-school homeschool students who want a high quality biology course plus an engaging, hands-on experience.

Biology in high school can be intimidating.

Suddenly, it’s more than picture books and nature walks. It’s dissections and DNA. It’s punnett squares and mitochondria

Yes, dissection happens in biology, but you’re not even looking forward to prepping a whole chicken for roasting (!), much less guiding your child through exploring the inner workings of fetal pigs, earthworms, crayfish, starfish, and sharks!

Maybe you could sit up late nights for a few months, reading science magazines, poring over lab manuals, and screwing up your courage to touch the inside of a fetal pig…

Or maybe with 3,482 other things to teach your kids… you just need to leave biology lessons to someone else.

Biology in high school can be intimidating.

Suddenly, it’s more than picture books and nature walks. It’s dissections and DNA. It’s punnett squares and mitochondria

Yes, dissection happens in biology, but you’re not even looking forward to prepping a whole chicken for roasting (!), much less guiding your child through exploring the inner workings of fetal pigs, earthworms, crayfish, starfish, and sharks!

Maybe you could sit up late nights for a few months, reading science magazines, poring over lab manuals, and screwing up your courage to touch the inside of a fetal pig…

Or maybe with 3,482 other things to teach your kids… you just need to leave biology lessons to someone else.

In high school, your child needs to learn a subject at a deeper level than they have before. Not just reading about a topic, but writing about it. Not just watching and absorbing, but asking questions and discovering answers. They need to learn how to use their hands, eyes, and mind to experience science so they can build deeper knowledge and understanding, and prepare them for whatever is next in their educational journey.

If this sounds intimidating, then maybe you’re assuming you’ll have to be the one bringing the full educational experience to your child. But hands-on learning for your student can be hands-off for you. In fact, you don’t have to know any science at ALL for your child to get a high quality science education!

That’s where we come in.



Biology lessons so engaging & hands-on that your high-school students can practically teach themselves!

Experience Biology in 4 Simple Steps…


Students login to their online classroom each week and watch an engaging video lesson. Students can move through the program at their own pace. 


Students take a weekly comprehension quiz, plus quarterly exams to gauge their level of mastery. Don’t worry: it’s all graded for you so you don’t have to do the work!


Each week, students will have a hands-on lab experiment and be assigned thought-provoking research questions to deepen their understanding of complex biology concepts.


Students are assigned weekly reading from a recommended textbook. It’s optional, but we highly encourage you to grab the textbook (or an alternative textbook of your choosing).

I hated the idea of my daughter doing work alone— simply handing her a boring textbook for biology…

…but it’s difficult for me to do any school with my daughter since she has 3 younger siblings that need help and I work from home. We hadn’t used any online courses, so I was concerned online biology would be boring for my daughter. Experience Biology has such engaging lesson videos and the labs are interesting. So even though she’s done the course alone, it’s been a lot of fun!

The course is rigorous enough I feel my daughter is getting a strong introduction to Biology but has enough wiggle room that if she misses a day, she can easily combine days and catch up.

– Melissa

Mom of Experience Biology student

My daughter learned so much in Biology this year she asked to take the Biology CLEP test.

She did a little extra studying after completing the course and just learned she passed with a high enough grade to earn 6 college credits! She has learned to love science and now feels confident in this area.

– Annabelle

Mom of Experience Biology student

Check out Experience Biology program!

This high school program will give your student enough hours for high school credit! And it’s perfect for students looking for a college prep Biology course or for those who want a good foundation to CLEP out of Biology.

Two engaging video lessons for every weekly module to help your child understand new and exciting concepts without feeling overwhelmed.

Carefully planned lab work with corresponding lab video lessons throughout the year so your child can experience biology — hands-on! See the lab supply list here.

Online, graded quizzes and exams, so you can take a break from correcting your child’s work.

Curriculum guide to help you and your student understand how the course works.

Research questions to help your student delve deeper into some of the rich concepts covered in this course.

Lesson outlines to help your student grasp important concepts, learn new terms, and help with note taking.

Reading assignments that will help your student further their understanding of the course material in a new way.

Certificate of completion for a job well done when the course is completed.

I so appreciate the perfect blend of faith and science in this course.

The Gilkerons have a logical, faith-based approach to creation. They don’t try to make it preachy like some Christian curricula, but maintain a high-standard for science academics. I love that my children have their faith and beliefs validated and enhanced while still getting high-quality academics.

– Cris

mom of Experience Biology student

I needed a cost-effective curriculum that was God-centered, interactive, and kept my son enthusiastic about learning…

I love having teachers that keep my son accountable — Luke and Trisha are personable, professional, love the Lord, and have a passion for what they teach. We love the vivid videos filled with real examples of life forms. The science experiments are professional, but not intimidating. My son is thriving in the course.

– Alissa

mom of Experience Biology student

When you enroll in Experience Biology, you’re making an investment that’s more than a textbook – it’s an experience your family will never forget!

Enroll Today!

*Student Guidebook and Lab Guide are included with course purchase as a pdf download. Physical copies are available to purchase separately.

You’ve got questions… we’ve got answers!

What is covered in the course?

Great question! Check out the Experience Biology Scope and Sequence here for an overview of the topics we cover in this course.

What is included in my purchase?

You’ll have access to all lesson and lab videos along with PDF downloads of the student guidebook, lab guide, curriculum guide,  answer keys, and sample lab reports. 

Should you want a physical copy of the guidebook or lab guide, those are available for purchase in our store. It is highly recommended that you purchase the textbook The Riot & The Dance: Foundational Biology.

You will also be responsible for purchasing lab supplies for any labs you’d like your student to complete.

When does the course begin?

You’ll have immediate access to the course as soon as you register!

Since this course is self-paced, you, the parent, have control over when your student begins the course. You can start as soon as you register, or wait a few weeks or months. Beginning the course is as easy as pressing a button. Once you begin the course for your student, they will have one year to access the course.

How long will I have access to this course?

You’ll have access to the course for one year of access — you decide when your student begins the course. There are 35 weekly lessons, so that should provide ample time for your student to complete the course. Once each video is live, your student can watch and re-watch it anytime they would like to throughout the duration of the course.

Does my child have to view the course videos on specific days or times?

No, students can watch the lessons any time throughout the week. Once released, each video can be reviewed as many times as the student wants through the end of the course.

Do you teach about creation or evolution in this course?

We strongly believe students need to be equipped with an understanding of evolutionary concepts because they will encounter these teachings throughout their lives. Experience Biology addresses the subject of evolution and creation on multiple fronts, helping students think critically about how both the Bible and science address these concepts.

Can my student earn high school credit for this course?

In most states, students need to accumulate at least 120 hours of instruction and course work to receive a high school credit. 

Many parents choose to record Experience Biology as an honors level lab-science on their student’s high school transcript. We recommend your student complete all of the following to accumulate the necessary course hours for high school credit:

  • complete all the course lectures
  • take all the quizzes and exams
  • complete recommended readings
  • watch laboratory videos and complete a minimum of 15 lab assignments

How you use this course and the resources available is ultimately up to you, the parent, as this is a homeschool course.

Can we use a different textbook for this course?

We believe parents are best equipped to determine their student’s educational needs. As a homeschool course, you’re welcome to choose whatever textbook you’d prefer for your student to use or omit textbook reading altogether. For most students, anytime they can use multiple modes of learning, it helps them retain information better.

After reviewing many, many textbooks we chose The Riot and the Dance because we believe it does an excellent job of reinforcing the concepts students are learning in the lectures. We provide recommended reading from The Riot and the Dance.

We have also created alternative reading schedules to accompany several other commonly used textbooks by homeschoolers. While we cannot vouch for every detail in these textbooks, the reading lists provided here generally overlap with what is covered in each of the lessons in the course.

In addition to our recommended textbook The Riot and the Dance, we currently have a reading list available for the following textbooks:

  • Biology, BJU Press (5th edition)
  • Exploring Creation With Biology, Apologia (2nd edition)
  • Biology: God’s Living Creation, Abeka (5th edition)
  • General Biology, Novare (1st edition)
  • Exploring Creation With Biology, Apologia (3rd edition)
  • Discovering Design With Biology, Berean Builders (1st edition)

How long do students have to complete individual lessons?

We recommend students plan to complete one lesson per week to finish the course during a typical school year. Once your student begins the course they will receive access to the next lesson within 1-2 hours of completing the current lesson. This allows you the flexibility to work ahead if needed to account for vacations or time off while still finishing the course in the typical timeframe. Students will have a full calendar year to complete the course, so if they fall a week or two behind, they should still have plenty of time to complete the course.

Can I take this course if I live outside the United States?

You sure can! We’ve made sure to make the lessons applicable to those worldwide.

What additional books or supplies will I need for this course?

Students will need a number of different supplies to complete the laboratory work. See the complete lab supply list here.

A compound microscope is highly recommended, however, if it’s cost-prohibitive we will make images available online for students to use in lieu of looking at organisms under the microscope. Please keep in mind, this is not ideal because an important part of taking a lab biology course is learning how to use a microscope.

It is highly recommended, though not required, that you purchase the textbook The Riot & The Dance: Foundational Biology. While this is our preferred textbook for the class, we’ve also included reading lists for several other textbooks, or you may omit textbook reading.

A pdf download of the Student Guidebook and Lab Guide are available as part of the course purchase. Physical copies are available to purchase separately.

Can I pay for this course with my educational savings account?

We are an approved vendor with several ESAs and are continuing to add to the list all the time! We’re happy to provide you with invoices or other information you need to submit to your ESA. You can see all the ESAs we’re currently approved vendors with and/or submit a request for us to apply to the ESA in your state. 

Do you offer options to use this in a co-op?

We offer co-op pricing for groups of 4 or more who have designated a single instructor/ facilitator. Co-op courses are designed for groups that are meeting at least weekly. 

Our co-op courses are set up differently than our family programs to accommodate groups. You can learn more about our co-op courses here. 

Please note: because of the way our group programs are set up, we are not able to communicate with individual parents of students within co-ops.

What is your refund policy?

We offer a 100% money-back, happiness guarantee within 30 days of the course start date OR 6 months from purchase date (whichever is less). Simply email us and we’ll give you a full refund.

I had struggled with Biology in the past, and it helps my mom to have someone else teach.

The best thing about Experience Biology has been the understandable and fun video lesson. The guidebook for taking notes is helpful. I use it to share with my family what I’m learning about. I’ve recommended this course to my friends — it’s so much better than just being given a textbook!


Experience Biology Student

My son took Experience Astronomy, so I knew I could trust your approach to teaching Biology.

The course was thorough and taught from a Christian worldview. I forward your emails to other parents and suggest your resources all the time. Thank you for your work! It’s making a huge difference. All of my remaining children will take your courses and I’m looking forward to you creating more!

– Alisa

mom of Experience Biology and Astronomy student

A few of the things your student will learn…

How scientific laws actually point to the existence of God.

The biggest living cell that weighs nearly 400 pounds.

How a microscopic protist completely changed the nation of Ireland—in the most devastating way possible.

You already know Bible characters like Adam, David, and Solomon, but you may not know their contributions to the field of biology.

How an obscure Austrian monk became the father of the field of genetics.

The #1 trick for remembering all the parts of a living cell and what each part does.

and so much more!

My daughter was entering high school…

…and the homeschool method we had been using wasn’t providing a rigorous high school level science. Experience Biology was so convenient. I’d highly recommend this course and tell any homeschooler I can!

- Kim

Mom of Experience Biology student

My daughter had taken Experience Astronomy and loved it, so we were excited to continue with Biology!

She loves learning from your videos because they’re both informative and fun. The videos offer so much more than books alone can do. We’re hopeful you’ll  make more classes for her high school years.

- Talitha

Mom of Experience Biology & Astronomy student

We have a Fabulous Fit Promise. We want this course to be a fabulous fit for your family. Based on our parent and student feedback, we think you will be.

However, we offer a 100% money-back, happiness guarantee within 30 days of the course start date OR 6 months from purchase date (whichever is less).

I have a dyslexic child so wanted something with videos…

I also wanted something that included hands-on labs and a student-led program because I wasn’t a big fan of biology in school. My students enjoyed the videos in Experience Biology. The course was well laid out and very easy to use. I especially like that students learn to write lab reports throughout the year. 

- Jennifer

Mom of Experience Biology student

Access Your Lessons on Any Device

Science comes alive with Experience Biology!

We had avoided biology because I was nervous about teaching it.

Experience Biology gave my daughter the ability to take biology without me doing all the work. Being able to watch the videos and take notes in the Guidebook has been very helpful. My daughter loves the stories in the videos the best, and I like the dissections!

- Teresa

Mom of Experience Biology student

I was concerned enrolling my kids in an online science course wouldn’t be a good use of our financial resources…

However, by my estimate, each week’s lesson costs just a few dollars per week—an excellent value!

- Tammy

Mom of Experience Astronomy student

Enroll Today!

*Student Guidebook and Lab Guide are included with course purchase as a pdf download. Physical copies are available to purchase separately.


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